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NBME Explanations

NBME 7 Questions and Answers

Discussion in 'USMLE Step 2 CK' started by orthopod, May 16, 2015.

  • by orthopod, May 16, 2015 at 8:02 PM
  • orthopod

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    May 7, 2015
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    If you find an incorrect answer, or an answer that I have not included here, let me know, and I'll make the change. A correct answer means that you correctly selected it on your version and it did not show up in your 'extended feedback.' You can discuss question topics here, or in a separate thread. It’ll take some time to transcribe all the questions, so I’ll continue to edit/update/add questions over the next few days.

    Block 1 part 1
    1. 22yo Primi admitted in labor. Pregnancy was complicated by 3 UTIs, the last one at 22 weeks gestation. She’s now taking daily nitrofurantoin. Pt is otherwise healthy. What’s causing the recurrent UTIs?
    - Urinary Stasis

    2. 4yo boy with 3-day hx of cough, fever, runny nose. No wheezing, vomiting, or diarrhea. 75th %ile for height, and 10th %ile for weight. T 37.5. Cap refill is 2 sec. Exam shows clear rhinorrhea. Breath sounds normal. There is a media tab to view the cardiac exam. Dx?
    - URI

    3. 42yo woman with generalized weakness, lethargy, and double vision for 2 weeks. Chest X-ray shows upper anterior mediastinal mass. Dx?
    - Thymoma

    4. 4mo old brought to ER after an apparent seizure. Pt has vomiting 6 times over the last 2 days, feeding poorly, and sleeping more than usual. Pt is lethargic and afebrile. Anterior fontanel is tense, bilateral retinal hemorrhages. Dx?
    - Child abuse

    5. 52yo man with excruciating pain/swelling of his great toe since undergoing appendectomy 10 days ago. Celecoxib has provided no relief. Temp is 37.6. Exam shows red/swelling great toe and tender MTP joint. Most appropriate next step?
    - Indomethacin

    6. During a sports physical, a healthy 14-yo boy has a BP of 150/90. Previous BP checks have been normal. 6 ft 2 in and weights 180 lb. BMI is 24. Exam is normal otherwise. Most appropriate next step?
    - Repeat BP check in 4 weeks

    7. 19yo man brought to ER by police after found standing in his neighbor’s living room in the middle of the night. He is conscious but remains mute during questioning. Temp 37C, respirations 18/min, BP 160/95. Exam shows bilateral nystagmus, constricted pupils, hypertonia, and decreased sensation to pinprick. Substance?
    - PCP

    8. Officer investigates an outbreak of illness at a picnic. Onset of nausea and vomiting 3 to 4 hours after attending the picnic. All those affected recover without Rx. Egg salad was the vehicle of transmission. What is the factor most commonly contributing to an outbreak of this type?
    - Inadequate refrigeration of implicated food

    9. 2 days after beginning ACTH therapy for MS, a 47yo woman exhibits bizarre behavior. She is easily angered and thinks the nurses are terrorists. She’s been pulling out her IV and walking down the halls at night. Muscle strength in lower extremities is 2/5. On mental status exam, she is fidgety, labile affect, and is easily distracted. Oriented to person, but not place or time. Most appropriate Rx?
    - Haloperidol

    10. 50yo F with 5-year Hx of metastatic breast cancer has SOB for 8 hours. Pulse 116/min, resp 32/min, BP 90/60. End-inspiratory crackles heard at base of both lungs. JVD present. Distant heart sounds. ABG shows: pH 7.50; Pco2 28; Po2 78. XR shows cardiomegaly, ECG shows alternating QRS amplitude patterns. Echo shows paradoximal motion of the interventricular septum and a pericardial effusion. Most appropriate next step?
    - Pericardial window.

    11. 14 month boy brought in for well-child exam. Mother is worried because he is not yet walking on his own. He will stand for several seconds before falling. He can empty raisins from a cup and tries to eat with a spoon. 25th %ile for length and 30th %ile for weight. Exam shows no abnormalities. Most appropriate next step?
    - Reassurance

    12. Asymptomatic 23yo M in for preemplyoment evaluation. Exam shows normal findings. PPD shows 16 mm of induration & erythema. He has had no previous PPD tests and hasn’t been exposed to anyone with active TB. XR shows no abnormalities. Sputum contains no acid fast bacilli. Most appropriate next step?
    - Treat latent TB now

    13. Previously healthy 26yo M in ER with SOB for 3 weeks and painful bumps on his legs for 1 week. T 38.2, P 80/min, BP 140/85. Exam shows 2- to 3-cm tender, red nodules on anterior shins. CXR shows bilateral hilar fullness. Which serum abnormalities is most likely in this patient?
    - Increased calcium

    14. 47yo F with fever, nausea, vomiting, and severe headache for 24 hours. T 39. Exam shows weakness of right upper extremity and nystagmus, optic fundi cannot be visualized. Kernig sign is present. Most appropriate next step in diagnosis?
    - CT of head

    15. 47yo F brought to ER 30 minutes after a MVC, unrestrained driver. Severe neck pain and mild chest and abdominal pain. P 95/min, Respirations 20/min, and BP 120/80. Exam shows severe tenderness of the cervical spine at C5. Bruise and mild tenderness over lower sternum and upper abdomen. Neuro exam is normal. CXR is normal except for slightly widened mediastinum. Cervical spine XR shows C5 facet fracture. Abdominal XR is normal. Most likely location of the life-threatening cardiovascular injury?
    - Thoracic aorta

    16. 18yo primi at 37 weeks’ gestation admitted in labor. Regular contractions every 3 minutes. Pregnancy complicated by several episodes of genital herpes, most recent episode 6 weeks ago. No lesions or prodromal symptoms since last episode. Vaginal exam shows no lesions. Membranes are intact. Fetal movement has been appropriate. Cervix 100% effaced, 5cm dilated, vertex at -1 station. Most appropriate next step?
    - Amniotomy and vaginal delivery

    17. 4yo girl with 5lb weight loss during the last 2 months. No Hx of illness, on no medications, immunizations up to date. 50th %ile for height, 25th %ile for weight. Occasional crackles over right middle lung field. Intradermal testing with PPD, tetanus, and antigens for candida and trichophyton is nonreactive at 72 hours. WBC count is 5100. Nucleic acid hybridization testing of gastric aspirates shows TB. Most likely explanation?
    - T lymphocyte dysfunction

    18. 27yo F with 5 day history of headache, severe, diffuse abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Pain is exacerbated by eating and relieved by vomiting. Vomitus originally had semisolid content with green fluid, and now only contains clear yellow fluid. Hx of Crohn dz treated with prednisone, tapered over the last 2 weeks, mesalamine, and azathioprine. LMP 7 weeks ago. Sex w/ 1 partner, use condoms inconsistently. Temp 38.4, P 120/min, Resp 22/min, BP 90/50. Dry oral mucosa, pale conjunctiva, distended abdomen, diffusely tender and tympanic. Decreased bowel sounds. Pelvic exam is normal. Labs: HCT 31% WBC 15k, amylase 300, lipase 9. Dx?
    - SBO

    19. 37yo F with malaise, muscle aches, painful vulvar blisters, vaginal discharge, and dysuria for 3 days. Had sex with new partner 7 days ago. T 38. Exam shows bilateral painful inguinal lymphadenopathy and numerous 1-3 mm vesicles and ulcers on labia majora and minora, perineum, vulva, mons pubis. Next step in diagnosing these lesions?
    - Cx for herpes

    20. 52yo F with personality change since death of close friend 2 weeks ago. Irritable, less sleep, speaks rapidly, jumping from topic to topic. She’s had past episodes excessive sleeping, decreased energy, and loss of interest, but never thought these symptoms were severe enough to seek medical attention. Mental status exam shows loud, rapid speech, and flight of ideas. She says she is not sad, but rather uplifted by her friend’s death. She hears her friend’s voice and communicates with her. Dx?
    - Bipolar d/o

    21. 6 hours after CABG, 62yo experiences drop in BP from 120/80 to 100/85. Urine output decreases from 60 to 10 mL/h, and cardiac output decreases from 6 to 3 L/min. Pulmonary artery diastolic pressure has decreased . CXR shows widened mediastinum. Most appropriate next step?
    - Surgical exploration of mediastinum

    22. Homeless 66yo M with jaundice for 1 week. Eats irregularly, 20lb weight loss, over the past year. 20-year Hx of alcoholism. Icteric sclerae, palmar erythema, and spider angiomata. Serum Mg is 0.8. Serum studies most likely to show?
    - Decreased Calcium

    23. 24yo F with amenorrhea for 7 days. 8-year Hx of anorexia. Compared to other women her age, she has an increased risk for?
    - Osteoporosis
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Discussion in 'USMLE Step 2 CK' started by orthopod, May 16, 2015.

  1. kahlonamrit
    Can someone give the explanation of the correct answer to this
    An 8hr old develops jaundice and respiratory distress. He was born at 39 weeks gestation following an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery. He is pale and edematous. Examination shows hepatosplenomegaly and scattered petechiae. Lab values show Hb of 4g/dL and total serum bilirubin of 15 with direct bilirubin of 0.3mg/dL. Which of the following is the cause of findings?
    A- ABO incompatibility
    B- Abnormal Hb synthesis
    C- G6PD deficiency
    D- Physiological jaundice
    E- Rh incompatibility
  2. wbarmore

    A- would cause a mild if any jaundice, and would not expect the bilirubin to be that high. It is also the most common cause of jaundice in newborns
    B-if you're thinking thalassemias, the severe forms would not be compatible with life or cause a baby to present with jaundice as soon as baby has been born
    C- typically presents with the history of antibiotic use or infection. Another clue is that G6PD is XLR, which makes it less likely to be the cause of jaundice in a female
    D- physiologic jaundice presents after 24 hours, never before
    E-Based on the prior explanation, this makes E the most likely choice. Also, Rh incompatibility will cause severe jaundice with signs of hydrops (fluid in two or more compartments). In this question, the respiratory distress is probably due to fluid accumulation in the lungs (one compartment) and also we are told the baby is edematous (another compartment).
  3. kahlonamrit
    Thankyou so much Wbarmore
  4. meeed
    41. 32yo F abdominal pain, N/V for 6 hours. Cholesystectomy 2 years ago. Menses wnl, LMP 2 weeks ago. No smoking/drinking. Appears acutely ill. T 37.4 resp 14/min, P 110/min BP 130/70 while supine, p 135 BP 90/60 when standing. Exam: guarding with rebound, BS decreased.
    Labs: NA 146, K 3.3, Ca 8.9, T bili 1, alk phos: 120, AST 64 Amylase 1022.
    Most appropriate next step to determine cause is measurement of?
    - Triglycerides

    what happen here i'm not under stand ??
    help please
    misjangled likes this.
  5. misjangled
  6. misjangled
    Is this pancreatitis?
  7. ChinaPaw
    Hi, Mark:
    The related possible questions in the answer section are really good, but there are no answers provided, and some of those related questions are equally hard and tricky. Since there is a high chance that the interviewer is going to task those related questions, will you provide answers to them?
  8. ChinaPaw
    Hi, Mark:
    The related possible questions in the answer section are really good, but there are no answers provided, and some of those related questions are equally hard and tricky. Since there is a high chance that the interviewer is going to task those related questions, will you provide answers to them?
  9. ChinaPaw
    Hi, Mark:
    The related possible questions in the answer section are really good, but there are no answers provided, and some of those related questions are equally hard and tricky. Since there is a high chance that the interviewer is going to task those related questions, will you provide answers to them?
  10. ChinaPaw
    many people dont follow these rules. The new people dont bother read it. So, you should automatically redirect them after joining to a welcome page with all the rules.
  11. ChinaPaw
    Hi, Mark:
    The related possible questions in the answer section are really good, but there are no answers provided, and some of those related questions are equally hard and tricky. Since there is a high chance that the interviewer is going to task those related questions, will you provide answers to them?
  12. ChinaPaw
    Hi, Mark:
    The related possible questions in the answer section are really good, but there are no answers provided, and some of those related questions are equally hard and tricky. Since there is a high chance that the interviewer is going to task those related questions, will you provide answers to them?
  13. ChinaPaw
    Hi, Mark:
    The related possible questions in the answer section are really good, but there are no answers provided, and some of those related questions are equally hard and tricky. Since there is a high chance that the interviewer is going to task those related questions, will you provide answers to them?
  14. ChinaPaw
    Hi, Mark:
    The related possible questions in the answer section are really good, but there are no answers provided, and some of those related questions are equally hard and tricky. Since there is a high chance that the interviewer is going to task those related questions, will you provide answers to them?
  15. ChinaPaw
    Hi, Mark:
    The related possible questions in the answer section are really good, but there are no answers provided, and some of those related questions are equally hard and tricky. Since there is a high chance that the interviewer is going to task those related questions, will you provide answers to them?

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